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inside out

  • 1 inside out

    • nurinpäin
    • nurin
    * * *
    1) (with the inner side out: Haven't you got your shirt on inside out?) nurin päin
    2) (very thoroughly: He knows the plays of Shakespeare inside out.) läpikotaisin

    English-Finnish dictionary > inside out

  • 2 turn inside out

    • kääntää nurin

    English-Finnish dictionary > turn inside out

  • 3 inside

    • vatsa
    • sisusta
    • sisällä
    • sisässä
    • sisäpuoli
    • sisäinen
    • sisä
    • sisäpuolella oleva
    • sisä-
    • sisälle
    • sisältä
    • sisäpuolinen
    • sisäpinta
    • sisäpuolella
    • sisään
    • sisäosa
    • sisus
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (the inner side, or the part or space within: The inside of this apple is quite rotten.) sisus
    2) (the stomach and bowels: He ate too much and got a pain in his inside(s).) sisukset
    2. adjective
    (being on or in the inside: the inside pages of the newspaper; The inside traffic lane is the one nearest to the kerb.) sisä-
    3. adverb
    1) (to, in, or on, the inside: The door was open and he went inside; She shut the door but left her key inside by mistake.) sisällä, sisälle
    2) (in a house or building: You should stay inside in such bad weather.) sisällä
    4. preposition
    1) ((sometimes (especially American) with of) within; to or on the inside of: She is inside the house; He went inside the shop.) sisällä, sisälle
    2) ((sometimes with of) in less than, or within, a certain time: He finished the work inside (of) two days.) sisällä

    English-Finnish dictionary > inside

  • 4 out of

    • ilman
    • tähden
    • esiin jostakin
    • sisältä
    • ulkopuolella
    • ulos jstkn
    • ulko
    • ulos
    • poissa jostakin
    • poissa
    * * *
    1) (from inside: He took it out of the bag.) esiin, ulos
    2) (not in: Mr Smith is out of the office; out of danger; out of sight.) ulkopuolella
    3) (from among: Four out of five people like this song.) -sta, -stä
    4) (having none left: She is quite out of breath.) ilman
    5) (because of: He did it out of curiosity/spite.) siksi että
    6) (from: He drank the lemonade straight out of the bottle.) -sta, -stä

    English-Finnish dictionary > out of

  • 5 wipe out

    • hävittää
    • pyyhkiä puhtaaksi
    • pyyhkiä pois
    • pyyhkäistä
    • pyyhkiä
    • tappaa
    • poistaa
    * * *
    1) (to clean the inside of (a bowl etc) with a cloth etc.) pyyhkiä puhtaaksi
    2) (to remove; to get rid of: You must try to wipe out the memory of these terrible events.) unohtaa
    3) (to destroy completely: They wiped out the whole regiment in one battle.) tuhota maan tasalle

    English-Finnish dictionary > wipe out

  • 6 reverse

    • pakki
    • toisin päin
    • nurja
    • vastakkainen
    • vastakkaissuuntainen
    • vastapuoli
    • vastoinkäyminen
    • vastakohtainen
    • vastakohta
    • epäonni
    • antiteettinen
    • täyskäännös
    • vaihtaa
    • purkaa
    • päinvastainen
    • mullistaa
    • muuttaa päinvastaiseksi
    • muuttaa kokonaan
    • peruutusvaihde
    • peruutus
    • peräyttää
    • peruuttaa
    • suunnanvaihto
    • taakse-
    • taka
    • tappio
    • takaisku
    • takapuoli
    • ylösalaisin
    • kumota päätös
    • kumoaminen
    • kumota
    • kääntö
    • kääntää nurin
    • käänteinen
    • kääntöpuoli
    • kääntyä päinvastaiseksi
    • kontradiktorinen
    • kontraarinen
    * * *
    rə'və:s 1. verb
    1) (to move backwards or in the opposite direction to normal: He reversed (the car) into the garage; He reversed the film through the projector.) peruuttaa
    2) (to put into the opposite position, state, order etc: This jacket can be reversed (= worn inside out).) kääntää toisin päin
    3) (to change (a decision, policy etc) to the exact opposite: The man was found guilty, but the judges in the appeal court reversed the decision.) muuttaa päinvastaiseksi
    2. noun
    1) (( also adjective) (the) opposite: `Are you hungry?' `Quite the reverse - I've eaten far too much!'; I take the reverse point of view.) päinvastoin, päinvastainen
    2) (a defeat; a piece of bad luck.) takaisku
    3) ((a mechanism eg one of the gears of a car etc which makes something move in) a backwards direction or a direction opposite to normal: He put the car into reverse; ( also adjective) a reverse gear.) peruutusvaihde
    4) (( also adjective) (of) the back of a coin, medal etc: the reverse (side) of a coin.) kääntöpuoli
    - reversed
    - reversible
    - reverse the charges

    English-Finnish dictionary > reverse

  • 7 open

    • paljas
    • ilmi
    • julkinen
    • vastaanottavainen
    • avonainen
    • auki
    • avautua
    • avara
    • aukoa
    • avomielinen
    • aueta
    • aukaista
    • avoin
    • avo-
    • avoinna
    • aukea
    • aukinainen
    • avata
    • estoton
    • esteetön
    • silmänkantamaton
    • alkaa
    • aava
    • aloittaa
    • altis
    • alttiina
    • vapaa
    • puhkaista
    • puhjeta
    • purkautua
    • päästää
    • raottua
    • rehti
    • raottaa
    • rannaton
    • ratkaisematon
    • levällään
    • leveä
    • kainostelematon
    • jäätön
    • peittämätön
    • peittelemätön
    • perustaa
    • selvä
    • sula
    • sulkematon
    • suojaton
    • kulkukelpoinen
    • lavea
    • lakea
    • laaja
    • laakea
    • korkata
    * * *
    'əupən 1. adjective
    1) (not shut, allowing entry or exit: an open box; The gate is wide open.) avoin, auki
    2) (allowing the inside to be seen: an open book.) avonainen
    3) (ready for business etc: The shop is open on Sunday afternoons; After the fog had cleared, the airport was soon open again; The gardens are open to the public.) avoinna
    4) (not kept secret: an open show of affection.) peittelemätön
    5) (frank: He was very open with me about his work.) avomielinen
    6) (still being considered etc: Leave the matter open.) ratkaisematon
    7) (empty, with no trees, buildings etc: I like to be out in the open country; an open space.) avoin, tyhjä
    2. verb
    1) (to make or become open: He opened the door; The door opened; The new shop opened last week.) avata, aueta
    2) (to begin: He opened the meeting with a speech of welcome.) avata
    - opening
    - openly
    - open-air
    - open-minded
    - open-plan
    - be an open secret
    - bring something out into the open
    - bring out into the open
    - in the open
    - in the open air
    - keep/have an open mind
    - open on to
    - the open sea
    - open to
    - open up
    - with open arms

    English-Finnish dictionary > open

  • 8 empty

    • ontto
    • paljas
    • näännyttää
    • ilmeetön
    • tyhjetä
    • tyhjillään
    • tyhjentää
    • tyhjentyä
    • tyhjä
    • tyhjentynyt
    • autio
    • asumaton
    • eleetön
    • sisällyksetön
    • ajatukseton
    • vapaa
    • purkautua
    • katteeton
    • mitäänsanomaton
    • perusteeton
    • laskea
    • lattea
    * * *
    'empti 1. adjective
    1) (having nothing inside: an empty box; an empty cup.) tyhjä
    2) (unoccupied: an empty house.) tyhjillään oleva
    3) ((with of) completely without: a street quite empty of people.) autio
    4) (having no practical result; (likely to be) unfulfilled: empty threats.) tyhjä
    2. verb
    1) (to make or become empty: He emptied the jug; The cinema emptied quickly at 10.30; He emptied out his pockets.) tyhjentää, tyhjentyä
    2) (to tip, pour, or fall out of a container: She emptied the milk into a pan; The rubbish emptied on to the ground.) kaataa
    3. noun
    (an empty bottle etc: Take the empties back to the shop.) tyhjä pullo
    - empty-handed
    - empty-headed

    English-Finnish dictionary > empty

  • 9 line

    • opintosuunta
    • rivi
    • toimiala
    • todistus
    • toimi
    • nuora
    • nuottiviiva
    • juova
    • jono
    • johto
    • johdin
    • juonne
    • työala
    • verhota
    • viivoittaa
    • viivata
    • viiva
    • viiru
    • elämänkutsumus
    • siima
    • sisustaa
    • ala
    • asettaa riviin
    • ammattiala
    • ura
    • uurre
    • uurtaa
    • täyttää
    • vuorata
    • vuorittaa
    • vuorosana
    • vuorosanat
    • päällystää
    • pyykkinuora
    • päiväntasaaja
    • pyykkinaru
    • raja
    • raide (tek.)
    • rata
    • rihma
    • raide
    • rajaviiva
    • raita
    • raide(tekniikka)
    • reitti
    • reunustaa
    • tavaralaji
    • tekstirivi
    • kattaa
    • ketju
    • liisteröidä
    • linja-
    textile industry
    • liina
    • linja
    • letka
    textile industry
    • kaista
    • naru
    • periaatteet
    • peittää
    • paula
    • sarja
    • suojata
    • suora(-viiva)
    • suku
    • sähkölinja
    • suuntaus
    • suuntaviivat
    • suunta
    • säe
    • säie
    • köysi
    • kääriä
    • laji
    • piiriviiva
    • poimu
    • piiru
    • piirto
    • piirre
    • koulutusala
    * * *
    I 1. noun
    1) ((a piece of) thread, cord, rope etc: She hung the washing on the line; a fishing-rod and line.) naru, siima
    2) (a long, narrow mark, streak or stripe: She drew straight lines across the page; a dotted/wavy line.) viiva
    3) (outline or shape especially relating to length or direction: The ship had very graceful lines; A dancer uses a mirror to improve his line.) linjat
    4) (a groove on the skin; a wrinkle.) ryppy
    5) (a row or group of objects or persons arranged side by side or one behind the other: The children stood in a line; a line of trees.) rivi
    6) (a short letter: I'll drop him a line.) muutama rivi
    7) (a series or group of persons which come one after the other especially in the same family: a line of kings.) sarja
    8) (a track or direction: He pointed out the line of the new road; a new line of research.) suunta
    9) (the railway or a single track of the railway: Passengers must cross the line by the bridge only.) rata
    10) (a continuous system (especially of pipes, electrical or telephone cables etc) connecting one place with another: a pipeline; a line of communication; All (telephone) lines are engaged.) linja, johto
    11) (a row of written or printed words: The letter contained only three lines; a poem of sixteen lines.) rivi
    12) (a regular service of ships, aircraft etc: a shipping line.) linja
    13) (a group or class (of goods for sale) or a field of activity, interest etc: This has been a very popular new line; Computers are not really my line.) myyntiartikkeli, ala
    14) (an arrangement of troops, especially when ready to fight: fighting in the front line.) linja
    2. verb
    1) (to form lines along: Crowds lined the pavement to see the Queen.)
    2) (to mark with lines.)
    - linear - linesman
    - hard lines!
    - in line for
    - in
    - out of line with
    - line up
    - read between the lines
    II verb
    1) (to cover on the inside: She lined the box with newspaper.) vuorata
    2) (to put a lining in: She lined the dress with silk.) vuorata

    English-Finnish dictionary > line

  • 10 jack-in-the-box

    • vieteriukko
    * * *
    (a toy consisting of a figure, fixed to a spring inside a box, which comes out suddenly when the lid is opened.) vieteriukko

    English-Finnish dictionary > jack-in-the-box

  • 11 outside

    • ulos
    • ulkokuori
    • ulkona
    • ulkonainen
    • ulkopuolinen
    • ulko
    • ulko-
    • ulkopuolelle
    • ulkoapäin
    • ulkopuoli
    • ulkopuolella
    • päällyspuoli
    • päältä
    • pinta
    • pintapuoli
    * * *
    1. noun
    (the outer surface: The outside of the house was painted white.) ulkopuoli
    2. adjective
    1) (of, on, or near the outer part of anything: the outside door.) ulko-
    2) (not part of (a group, one's work etc): We shall need outside help; She has a lot of outside interests.) ulkopuolinen
    3) ((of a chance etc) very small.) vähäinen
    3. adverb
    1) (out of, not in a building etc: He went outside; He stayed outside.) ulos, ulkona
    2) (on the outside: The house looked beautiful outside.) ulkopuolelta
    4. preposition
    (on the outer part or side of; not inside or within: He stood outside the house; He did that outside working hours.) ulkopuolella
    - at the outside
    - outside in

    English-Finnish dictionary > outside

  • 12 shut

    • panna kiinni
    • tukkia
    • ummistaa
    • kiinni
    • mennä kiinni
    • suljettu
    • sulkeutua
    • sulkea
    * * *
    1. present participle - shutting; verb
    1) (to move (a door, window, lid etc) so that it covers or fills an opening; to move (a drawer, book etc) so that it is no longer open: Shut that door, please!; Shut your eyes and don't look.) sulkea
    2) (to become closed: The window shut with a bang.) sulkeutua
    3) (to close and usually lock (a building etc) eg at the end of the day or when people no longer work there: The shops all shut at half past five; There's a rumour that the factory is going to be shut.) sulkea
    4) (to keep in or out of some place or keep away from someone by shutting something: The dog was shut inside the house.) sulkea
    2. adjective
    (closed.) suljettu
    - shut off
    - shut up

    English-Finnish dictionary > shut

  • 13 suck

    • imeä
    • imaista
    • imu
    • imaisu
    • imeminen
    • imeskellä
    • juoda
    * * *
    1. verb
    1) (to draw liquid etc into the mouth: As soon as they are born, young animals learn to suck (milk from their mothers); She sucked up the lemonade through a straw.) imeä
    2) (to hold something between the lips or inside the mouth, as though drawing liquid from it: I told him to take the sweet out of his mouth, but he just went on sucking; He sucked the end of his pencil.) imeskellä
    3) (to pull or draw in a particular direction with a sucking or similar action: The vacuum cleaner sucked up all the dirt from the carpet; A plant sucks up moisture from the soil.) imaista
    4) ((American) (slang) to be awful, boring, disgusting etc: Her singing sucks; This job sucks.)
    2. noun
    (an act of sucking: I gave him a suck of my lollipop.) imaisu
    - suck up to

    English-Finnish dictionary > suck

См. также в других словарях:

  • Inside Out — Жанры хардкор панк Годы 1988 1991 Страна …   Википедия

  • inside out — adverb * with the inside part facing out: Your sweater is on inside out. know someone/something inside out to know someone or something very well: He knows that computer program inside out. turn something inside out 1. ) to pull something so that …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • inside-out — (adj.) with the in side being out, c.1600, from INSIDE (Cf. inside) + OUT (Cf. out) (adv.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Inside out — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Inside Out fue un grupo de hardcore estadounidense de principios de los 90 encabezado por Zack de la Rocha el posterior cantante de Rage Against the Machine. Discografía No Spiritual Surrender Curiosidades El… …   Wikipedia Español

  • inside out — ► ADVERB ▪ with the inner surface turned outwards. ● know inside out Cf. ↑know inside out …   English terms dictionary

  • Inside Out — Datos generales Origen Orange County, Southern California  Estados Unidos …   Wikipedia Español

  • Inside Out — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sommaire 1 Cinéma et télévision 2 Musique 3 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • inside out — adverb 1. with the inside facing outward (Freq. 3) she turned the shirt inside out 2. thoroughly; from every perspective she knows this town inside out * * * inside out 1 : so that the inner surface becomes the outer surface He was wearing his… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Inside/Out — infobox television show name = Inside/Out caption = Inside/Out titles. format = Drama anthology / Educational runtime = 15 Minutes creator = starring = country = USA CAN network = none; syndicated first aired = 1972 1973 num episodes = 30 imdb id …   Wikipedia

  • inside out — {adv.} 1. So that the inside is turned outside. * /Mother turns the stockings inside out when she washes them./ 2. or [inside and out] also[in and out] In every part; throughout; completely. * /David knows the parts of his bicycle inside out./ *… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • inside out — {adv.} 1. So that the inside is turned outside. * /Mother turns the stockings inside out when she washes them./ 2. or [inside and out] also[in and out] In every part; throughout; completely. * /David knows the parts of his bicycle inside out./ *… …   Dictionary of American idioms

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